The Ark Lisburn
Lisburn, Northern IrelandWelcome to The Ark Lisburn Lisburn
There’s a place here for your. Call us on 07724 580884 to find out more.
Service Times
– Join us in person, or on Facebook or Youtube at the following times:
Sunday morning (in person or online) for Breaking of Bread @ 11:00am
Monday morning during July and August – Free Breakfast 9:00 am -11:30 pm – Come for as much time as you can spare
Monday Evening Prayer meeting @ 7:30pm
Wednesday evening – Bible Study @ 7:30pm (Except for July and August)
Prayer Requests
Contact us by email to send your prayer requests.
We normally meet on a Sunday morning @ 11:00 am and on a Monday for Prayer @ 11:00 am and @ 7:30 pm
We also have a WhatsAPP group for church members so if you have a prayer request you would like to share on the WhatsAPP group, please let us know.
Online Services
Check our Church Facebook Page for details of upcoming services
Don’t forget to like and share our upcoming Facebook scheduled services posts so that others will get to know about them as well.
Also, please like and follow the Facebook page, and like and subscribe to the Youtube channel.
If you need any help on how to do this, please contact us and we’ll help you.
Pastor Paul
“There’s a place for you here”
– Pastor Paul McMath
About Us
Welcome to The Ark Lisburn

Paul McMath
I have been the Pastor at The Ark Lisburn since 2018. Before that, I was a Pastor at Hope International Church in Belfast.
In addition to my role as Pastor at The Ark Lisburn, I am the Senior Sales Executive for Ireland’s Forecourt & Convenience Retailer, the only specialist magazine for the Irish oil and grocery sectors, Ireland’s Forecourt & Convenience Retailer magazine is the most dynamic title on the market.
I don’t care who gets the credit, I just want to see people getting saved and become disciples for Jesus.
Our Mission
At The Ark Lisburn we’re not about “having it all together” or even pretending we do. We’re just a family trying to grow together toward a God who knows us and can help us put all the pieces of this sometimes bizzare world into perspective. We may not have all the answers but we know someone who does. We believe that the Bible reveals and history confirms that God’s highest priority is making His greatness known. Therefore His glory and greatness is the foundation upon which all we believe rests and the source from which all we do flows.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see God breakthrough with his power and love into our community, bringing hope, healing, salvation to hurting people. We believe we have a mandate to work with the community to bring about real change which will effect lives for the better. The church we see equips, enables and releases ordinary people like us to live extraordinary lives. It is a church where mindsets are changed, and where people can grow in a healthy environment to their full potential in Christ.
The Ark Lisburn
Who We Are..
The Ark Lisburn is part of an Apostolic network of churches birthed out of the 1904 Welsh revival. You can read a fuller account of the history of ‘The Apostolic Church’ at We were previously known as Lisburn Apostolic Church and met in a smaller building in Conway Street until October 2012. We then purchased the former Salvation Army Citadel, in Rushmore Drive, off Knockmore Road.
Statement of Belief
We believe the Bible, composed of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired (God-breathed) Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). It is the final authority for all matters of faith and practice. In other words, it is the revealed will of God concerning what Christians should believe and how they should live.
The Bible is our ultimate statement of faith. “Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent.” Doctrinal creeds and statements of faith can be both divisive and misleading, since they are all composed by imperfect human beings.
Therefore, we assert the following:
- In essential beliefs—we have unity (Ephesians 4:4-6)
- In nonessential beliefs—we have liberty (Romans 14:1,4,12,22)
- In all our beliefs—we exhibit charity (I Corinthians 13:2; Ephesians 4:15)
Although we prefer the Bible to speak for itself, for the purpose of understanding the basic doctrinal positions of The Ark Lisburn, the following is presented.
1. The One True and Living God who eternally exists in Three Persons in Unity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
2. The inherent corruptness of Man through the Fall; the necessity of repentance and regeneration by grace and through faith in Christ alone and the eternal separation from God of the finally unrepentant.
3. The Virgin Birth, the Sinless Life, Atoning Death, Triumphant Resurrection, Ascension and Continuing Intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Second Coming and Millennial Reign on Earth.
4. The justification and sanctification of believers through the finished work of Christ.
5. The baptism of the Holy Spirit for believers with supernatural signs, empowering the Church for its mission in the world.
6. The gifts of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Church and ministry to the world.
7. The sacraments of baptism by immersion and of the Lord’s Supper.
8. The divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures.
9. Christ’s leadership of the Church through apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, elders and deacons, for unity, maturity and growth of the Church.
10. The security of the believer as he remains in Christ.
11. The privilege and responsibility of bringing tithes and offerings to the Lord
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Safeguarding Policy Children and Young People
Safeguarding Policy Young Adults
Copyright © The Ark Lisburn 2024